101 Things to do in Bournemouth – Race for Life

Race for Life is a 5 km/10 km charity fundraising event in aid of Cancer Research UK which takes place in locations across the UK, including two locally; one in Bournemouth and one in Poole.

How to get to Race for Life Bournemouth

The Race starts on Pier Approach in the centre of Bournemouth with an out-and-back route along the prom.


Bath Road South car park is the nearest car park. Parking costs £3.30 for an hour in summer. More details can be found here. Note that this is right next to the beach. If the weather is nice, the car parks will be busy.


The event usually takes place on a Sunday in mid June, starting at 11 am.

  • In 2023, the date was 11th June
  • In 2024, the date will be 16th June


Adult entry (aged 16 plus) costs £15.99 for the 5 km and £17.49 for the 10 km. This is to cover the cost of putting on the event. You are encouraged to raise additional money for the charity, with a minimum fundraising target of £50.

Bournemouth Race for Life Warm up
Bournemouth Race for Life Warm up

Race for Life Bournemouth

I have been doing Race for Life for 12 years, including most of the 7 years I have lived in Bournemouth. After a year’s hiatus due to Covid, Bournemouth Race For life recommenced in 2021 year with a different (much hillier) route, which took me by surprise and made me rather grumpy – yes, I know it’s for charity, mate! But things are now back to normal with the original, flat route along Bournemouth Prom. The 5 k turns at Boscombe Pier while the 10 k continues along the prom, turning in Southbourne.

Start of Race for Life

One thing to mention is that this isn’t really a race. If you’re expecting a timed result, there isn’t one, so wear a watch.

Race for Life
Penny running the 10 k

After a quick group warm up, it’s time for the off. In theory, there are three starts (walk, run and jog) and participants are asked to line up behind the appropriate flag. In reality, this doesn’t happen and the start is very congested. Once you’re out of the bottleneck, it’s a straightforward course; run along the prom, turn round and run back again.

Bournemouth Rock Choir at Race for Life
Bournemouth Rock Choir at the turning point

At the 5 k turning point by Boscombe Pier, there is usually entertainment to encourage you on your way. Musical interlude over, it’s time to return to the start/finish. The return run can be much harder. It’s fairly common for the wind in Bournemouth to blow in an easterly direction meaning that the run Bournemouth is often into a head wind.

Finish of Race for Life
Finish of Race for Life

Once you reach the end, you get a (rather naff) medal, a snack and some water.

Race for Life at Who Dares Wins
Fun in the sun after Race for Life

Race for Life Poole

Race for Life Poole takes place in Baiter Park in Poole. 

  • The date for 2024 is 1st June, with the 10 km starting at 10 am and the 5 km at 11 am. 
  • Poole also offers a 3 km route, which starts at 11 am and costs £14.99.

Poole Pretty Muddy

In addition, at Poole there is the option to enter the Pretty Muddy 5 km if you don’t have an aversion to getting your trainers dirty. This obstacle course with added mud starts in waves from 1 pm. Entry costs £22.49.

Race for Life for Children

Children aged 6 plus can join the Race for Life, but must be accompanied by an adult. Children’s entry costs £11. Families get a discount when purchasing four tickets. You can take children under 6 with you, but they cannot register and don’t receive a medal at the finish. 

At Poole, there is a children’s wave of the Pretty Muddy event, which starts at midday and costs £12.

I hope you found this information useful. For more inspiration on things to do in and around Bournemouth, check out my 101 Things to do in Bournemouth here.

  • Updated: June 2023 (with photos from previous years when it wasn’t raining!)

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